Charlie is now with me in the Hotel Holiday in Bishkek after a great time in Kyrgyzstan. It has been both boiling hot and freezing cold, there has been great food and nice people, and we have seen all sorts of scenery ranging from mountain lakes to rocky canyons and from great plains to alpine forests.

We weren’t originally planning to spend much time in Bishkek but I decided to leave the group trip a few days early for personal reasons. As a result I had a rather memorable experience of Kyrgyz public transport and will be travelling back to The UK tomorrow via Moscow.
By far the highlight of Kyrgyzstan is the scenery. This is the country with the most scenic diversity and outright beauty that I have ever been to. Nowhere else in the world have I seen such amazing scenery, especially scenery that can change from mountain lake to looking like the badlands of the USA to looking like a large plain and finally to looking like The Alps all within the space of a few hours.

I have wanted to come to this part of the world for many years and I am glad that I have finally been able to come here. I think Charlie had a great time too as you can see from the photos on this post. You will be able to see more photos of this country, read more about my experiences of public transport and read my whole Central Asia blog after we return and I have a chance to type it.