For several years I’ve been putting off visiting Central America which, for some unknown reason, has been a place I’ve wanted to visit for many years. My problem was I kept getting distracted by other destinations – in 2009 I saw a photo of somebody sitting next to a Mountain Gorilla and thought “I want to do that”. Then in 2010 I found a trip to North Korea I liked the look of and decided it was the right time to go.
I always believe everything happens for a reason and I’ve had some incredible experiences. In Rwanda I was grabbed on the leg by a Gorilla and I had an amazing time in Korea and met some awesome people.
However now the time is right to finally visit Central America. So in less than 90 days time I shall be jetting off to the region!
I’ll be staying in Atlanta USA for one night before flying down to Guatemala and spending just over 2 weeks travelling through Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica with a Dragoman / Intrepid group. Then I’ll be flying back to London (with layovers in Panama and Holland).
I almost didn’t book it-I found a trip that I really want to do in central Asia but the timing was right and I got some really good deals on flights :). However after researching it some more I’ve decided the overland trip with Dragoman through Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan is definitely top of my list for my trip after this! It just looks so amazing!
I’ll give you more details about Central America nearer the time, and also try to upload my blog from Korea before I go :).