I thought I’d just post a quick thank you for checking this out, and I hope you enjoy your visit and it is of use to you. Travel blogs, as well as sites like tripadvisor.com have really helped me in the past and I’ve been to many different parts of the world I thought I should share some of my experiences. The blog will be updated from the road if I’m able to do so… and when I get back from a trip if I’m not.
If you’re looking for proper reviews of attractions or hotels I have been to then you can check out my TripAdvisor profile (link on the right). The reviews there are pretty detailed, but the difference with a blog is it’ll give you an idea about what a destination is like from a general travel point of view and if it’s a place you would like to visit rather than just whether an attraction is worth visiting if you happen to be in that specific area. If I remember I’ll add any relevant links from my blog posts to my reviews at tripadvisor.com after I write them.
I’ll try to keep this place updated whenever I travel anywhere. Although two exceptions – when I travel to France and back on a daytrip because of work there isn’t much point (I’ll end up posting the same thing 4 times a week) and if I go on a day out in the UK I won’t update it, although I will update all non-UK destinations that aren’t for a work daytrip and all UK destinations if I go there for a couple of days as more of a holiday/vacation than a day out… if that makes sense?
There are some places that I have been to that I can’t remember enough to make a detailed blog about but would still like to share my experiences. For those I’ll add them to the pages section of the blog (in the right-hand menu) rather than adding them into the main blog itself. I will make an effort to add an actual blog entry for anywhere I have visited in the last couple of years or places I visited before then that I can remember fully – it could take a couple of weeks though… bear with me. When they have been added they will appear on the blog before this post – entries based on my original notes, where available, with the original dates.
If you want to be notified when updates are posted you can subscribe to my RSS feeds – the links are under “RSS Feeds” in the right hand menu. You can subscribe to one with every post, one with every comment or ones for specific categories. To access the category-specific ones click on the category name in the menu and then in the “RSS Feeds” section mentioned above there will be a new link called “this category”.
Take care, and thanks again for visiting.
Hi, this is a comment.
I’m just testing by editing the default one that was here when I installed the blog to test that all is well.
Thanks for visiting 🙂